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Cottesmore Academy

Who's Who

Headteacher and Deputy DSL- Mrs Meg Lucas

Deputy Headteacher, SENDCO and DSL- Mrs Anneka Bellett

Chair of Governors - Mrs Sarah Bysouth


EYFS teacher - Miss Nicola Gray

Year 1 teacher - Mrs Elizabeth Redmond

             Year 2 teacher, Deputy DSL and Senior Teacher - Mr Kevin Brown

Year 3 teacher - Mrs Charlotte Giblin

Year 4 teacher - Mrs Sally Alfieri

                           - Mrs Kate Wright 

Year 5 teacher - Miss Cornelia Nadarajan

             Year 6 teacher and Senior Teacher - Mr Sam Wigginton


Teaching Assistants

Mrs Kimberley Ashton 

Mrs Stephanie Tanner 

Mrs Josephine Biney 

Mrs Vicky Savill

Mrs Ann Dowling

Mrs Stephanie Brittain

Mrs Jodie Kelly

Mrs Sarah Stearne 

Mrs Christine Denman

Miss Maddie Copley

Miss Caroline Beacon

Mr Charlie Lloyd

Mrs Emma Priestley


Cottesmore's Little Osprey's Club 

Breakfast and After-School club

Mrs Ann Dowling, Mr Charlie Lloyd,

Miss Olivia Hallam, Mrs Katie Lewis 


Premises Staff

Lead Premises Officer - Mr Paul Lucas

Cleaning staff - Mrs Gemma Egleton

Mrs Saravina Kiso, Mrs Latu Natutusau, Mrs Litia Komaiyasa


Office Staff

Office Manager - Mrs Kate Warnes

Office Administrator - Mrs Stephanie Brittain 



We are proud to be part of The Rutland Learning Trust


The Rutland Learning Trust aims to…

  • Promote real, genuine and planned collaboration - Working Together.

  • Sustain Excellence - raise standards of achievement for all pupils.

  • Transform Learning - provide first-class education and care that allows every child to achieve their potential, regardless of location, prior attainment or background.

Please find below links to the RLT website and the RLT Accounts

Contact Details and Useful Links
