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Cottesmore Academy


Our Vision

At Cottesmore Academy, we strive to create a positive and supportive environment which

allows children to develop to their fullest potential. This nurturing inclusivity combined with the structure of the graduated approach, allows our teachers to have a robust and comprehensive understanding of each child’s individual learning needs. Using an emotion

coaching approach, staff can simultaneously promote positive relationships and well-being of the children whilst also adopting a positive and proactive approach to behaviour.


Children with SEND are not just in the school, they are part of the school—they have the same opportunity as their peers to benefit from the highest quality teaching our school can provide. Teachers work hard to develop a repertoire of highly effective teaching strategies that can be used flexibly in response to individual needs and use them as the starting point for classroom teaching for all children.

Bespoke Provision 

High quality teaching should reduce the need for extra support for all pupils. Nevertheless, it is likely that some pupils will require additional support in the form of high quality, structured interventions to make progress.


At Cottesmore Academy, teachers focus on learning the skills required to understand children and their learning needs, gaining the confidence to make decisions based on observations and experience, andknowing when to seek specialist support. Teachers view children with a holistic eye in order to better understand the children’s experiences within the classroom and beyond into their everyday activities and interactions. By having a rounded impression of each child, teachers can accurately plan and enact carefully targeted interventions and continuous provision that is bespoke to our learners needs.


Cottesmore Academy have adopted a strategy that offers tiers of increasingly intense support to children. Small-group and one-to-one targeted interventions provide the opportunity to apply effective teaching strategies with a more intense focus on a smaller number of learning goals.

Contact Details and Useful Links
